ENGR2210 - Principles of Engineering - Spring 2012

Arduino Uno R3


Class is taught this semester by Chris Murphy (MH362), with help from Allen Downey (MH359). You are welcome to stop by our offices, but will likely have more luck if you send an email first. Timothy Raymond and Laurel Kroo will be helping out as a NINJAs.

Class meets Tuesday and Friday 9:00a-10:40a, in AC306.

Course Description

Prerequisite: ENGR 1110

Through a significant project experience, students will learn to integrate analysis, qualitative design, quantitative optimization, experiments, and simulations to improve their ability to engineer real systems. In each section of the course, students will work in small multidisciplinary teams to design and to build a mechatronic system of their own choosing. Each project must include both a nontrivial mechanical system design and a nontrivial electronic system design involving both hardware and software components. Projects will be subject to realistic materials, process, and budgetary constraints.


At the end of this course, students will be able to:

  • Work effectively as a member of a project team.
  • Develop design concepts and create technical specifications that address defined needs. Balance trade-offs and make defensible choices among design alternatives. Use modern tools to construct mechatronic systems. Assess and select appropriate components for mechatronic circuits and systems.
  • Use written, oral, and graphical communication to convey design ideas and solutions, electronic system analyses, and experimental results.


This course was originally developed by Brad Minch. It has since been taught by Siddhartan Govindasamy, Aaron Hoover, Mark Chang, and Oscar Mur-Miranda, using the PIC microcontroller. This iteration draws liberally from their work. Thanks!