Team Zoot - the creators of Wood Pointilism

Team Zoot consists of four happy kids, interested in a variety of things, from mechanical to electrical, with a bit of bio for some diversity.  Our meetings were full of laughter, silliness, and, of course, productivity.  Together, we created something awesome!

The Members

Casey Karst is a junior studying Mechanical Engineering. As the lone ME on the team, I designed and fabricated the physical system. Along with fabricating ability, I was known to be able to scavenge for cheap mechanical components in the Mechanical Stockroom and local metal shops.

Noura Howell is a senior at Olin College, majoring in engineering with a concentration in computing.  She likes to listen to songs where men are singing about their sorrows with women.  She’s the coding master behind this project, working on the image processing, as well as the arduino/python interfacing.  

Jordyn Burger is a sophomore at Olin College, majoring in engineering with a concentration in biomechanics.  She smiles through the times where she trips on the parts laying around the teams’ space.  Her time was devoted towards keeping track of the different components of this project, as well as working on the circuit and overall interfacing of the code, circuit, and mechanical system.

Lisa Park is a sophomore at Olin College, majoring in electrical and computer engineering.  Though potentially interested in the Biomedical Engineering / Medical field, she enjoys working with software and electronics as well as dabbing in the more artistic side of design. Lisa's main contributions to the project included the circuits, documentation, and the creation of this website, with a small involvement in software.